Sunday 20 April 2014

You Don't need to see it, to believe it, so stop being a partypooper :p

Hey my Cutie Crazies, it's been so long, I'm sorry about the wait. University has me really busy, but I've finally got some free time :)
So i think you're wondering about my choice of title, and the reason i chose that title is because I'm sick of people squashing others' fantasies and dreams. Seriously chill out and quit doing that, so what if someone wants to believe in fairies, vampires, werewolves and other supernatural creatures, just let them be. It isn't your duty to tell them "Hey, you're so weird, those things don't exist". Well by doing that you're just a douchey partypooper. Who are you supposed to be? The bleeding Realist Enforcer? No you're not, so chill out. Just because you don't see it, doesn't mean it isn't real. Take for instance Dinosaurs, have you seen one personally? No. But you believe, because you see remnants of them, so in my theory why can't Dragons be real? Why can't these mythical creatures be cousins of the dinosaurs? But no, people just have to tell others it's just not possible... Why can't it be possible? Because it wasn't scientifically proved? Well if NASA says that dragons existed, would you magically believe because its scientifically proven? I'm not trying to say you SHOULD believe in them, but all I'm trying to get across is, don't squash someone's fantasy to prove your own point, it's pathetic.
Another thing don't force your ideals on someone, it's not right. If I don't like something, it's my opinion, you've expressed yours, so why should you try to force your opinion on me. Everyone's entitled to their own wrong opinion( lol im joking).... As i was saying, everyone's entitled to their own opinion, and just because you don't agree with it doesn't mean you should completely disregard it and try to undermine the other person, it's so not cool; well unless the stuff the other person says is truly utter crap, then go ahead, but do it a nice way, try not to hurt their feelings.
 :D :D XD XD
And if you're a little crazy, weird and coocoo, then it's alright.... All the best ones are bonkers :D

Crazy and Insanely Fun, Totally Random,
Avril Lavigne- Here's To Never Growing Up

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