Sunday 9 April 2017

Why?- 3AM ramblings

She was innocent before you touched her; he was like sunshine before you tainted his light. Why? Why did you do it? What gave you the right to take her innocence away, strip her of her dignity and defile her self worth?  Why? Why did you do it? What gave you the right to raise your hand at him; why would you bruise and batter a child as young as he was, increase the fear in his heart, inflict pain upon him, cause him trauma no child should know. Why? Why did you do it? Why did you Beat her until she could move no more then defiled her temple over and over again until all she we felt like was a rag doll? Why? why did you do it? Why'd you throw insults at him until he was in tears then proceeded to "discipline" him for those same tears until he couldn't move anymore? Why? Why did you do it? Why'd you extinguish the light from their eyes? Why'd you take two beautiful angels from this world and send them back to the creator? Why? Why do you not feel remorse for all you've done? How do you live everyday knowing you're a sick monster?  Why are you the one to live and they the ones to die? That's all I ever wanted to know in this world, WHY?

We spend each day going through the motions, never really stopping to see what's around  us, never looking up to see a different view. Sometimes all you need to do is to stop and look around and you'll see someone who needs you, who truly needs your help. I see a world filled with so much wrong; rape, abuse, assault, bullying are all problems we face in this society. These are no jokes, you should never joke about anything as serious as this. Stand up against violence against women, men and children.

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