Saturday 11 March 2017

First Love

It's been a while since I've posted. I've recently listened to Yurima's album "First Love" and had some inspiration. So this is just a little impromptu writing called "First Love"

First Love
Some say your first love is the one that makes you smile so hard it's like your face is about to break. That person who'll make you laugh when you want to cry, that person who kisses your wounds and heals your heart aches. The one who'll love you with all your flaws, and praise your queer way of thinking. They're like the sun in the sky shining so bright. But like Icarus, if you fly too close to that sun, you'll fall. To me, Your first love isn't defined by the first person to make you feel all these things, it's the first person you give your heart to conditionally, the person you let walk right into your life and allow to break your heart. The person who has the power to be your demise. And when you thought you were the master of your fate they came in like a storm, and leave a pain that can't be shaken off. And even after all this they'll never leave you, they'll always be in your heart, they'll always be there tormenting you, calming you, being a guiding light. They make you curse life but love life at the same time. They'll never leave you even as they fade from view. Your melancholy heart will always beat for them. They're your inspiration. And beyond all the hurt you still love them for they are your first love, and you can't possibly bring yourself to hate them. So don't be afraid to find that love, no one ever said it'll be easy but it'll always be worth it. Your first love will break you and make you. And that my dear Is your "First Love."

Simply Iris.

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